Mialisia Drip Marketing - Plant Seeds, Nurture Leads
Holy Macaroni, it works! Tonight I just finished designing a new landing page for my Mialisia business. I then took the link to copy and paste it to my social media channels like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Within minutes, I get a notification that someone visited my website via my iphone and iPad app. I can see that she (the prospect) went on my website, how long she was there, and what video drew her attention. Cool, right? Here is a total stranger...never met this woman. Yet I posted a simple URL and she saw it and went to my site. This is a great lead. I created desire with my direct sales tools to draw an interested prospect to me. Now I can spend my time working first with those who need my attention. This is what I call "Drip Marketing". Since it was late at night, I planned to call her in the morning. But she didn't even let me "sale or recruit" her then. She was so excited for this ground floor opportunity, that she clicked on my call-to-action item and enrolled right away on my team. Powerful experience from my customized powerful sales and marketing tool available for all the designers on my team, Team Diamond.
If you are new to direct sales, no sweat. This is not another complicated thing to learn that will overwhelm you and cause frustration as you start your business. Wouldn't you rather be equipped with knowledge, tools, and advice now that can steer you to have success sooner than later. More and more new things to learn can be frustrating. However, what is really frustrating is working your guts out and then have no new leads or prospects. You are excited with life changing products and opportunities but end up withering away in depression after you realize you have so much food on the table but no one wants to eat it.
I view success in a direct sales business like this...
Step #1 - Find a company, product, service, comp plan, etc that you can really sink your teeth into and have passion representing that brand
Step #2 - Learn a proven system. I don't have to reinvent the wheel. I see what other successful people have done and I do it.
Step #3 - Repeat step two over and over again
It's that simple? Well there are always some ups and downs...a learning curve...some required effort, patience to let the seed of opportunity that you just planted to have time to sprout, and so on. But what part of life at one point or another doesn't throw us a curve ball and make us get through some hard times? So back to why I am writing this post in the first place...to explain drip marketing. LOL.
I didn't invent Drip Marketing. I simply embraced it 8 years ago with my prior business where I built homes in Nashville, TN. We went from being nobody to being the #1 custom home builder within a few years. As social media was just being introduced, or shall I say, embraced more and more by businesses...I started to see where I could use social media even in the construction industry where people thought it was crazy that someone would go online to find a builder. After all, for one of the most important and biggest decisions to make (owning a home), wouldn't we just rely on a friend's recommendation vs interviewing potential builders online who we don't know from Adam?
So the key to Drip Marketing and Relationship Selling is this:
1) Understand your value and have a "servant's heart" wanting to help others enjoy the benefits from your product and service vs being the stereotypical sales guy who has an agenda, a self-centered desired outcome, and a mustache. Ok...I am not going to harp on those who voluntarily put hairy caterpillars on their lip. Besides, Gillette is not sponsoring this post so let's move on to the second bullet point
2) Spend time and have genuine concern to discover the needs of others and then find ways how you can help them get what they want. Remember, this isn't about you./ I know, I know...you have a job and need to support a family and have to focus on closing the sale. My point is that you will make more sales if you focus on helping others get what they want. Do that..in the end karma is your friends and your needs are met too.
3) Find ways to stay in front of the customer or prospect so that when a need arises in your line of work, now that you have a relationship of trust, .regardless if the sale happened or not...you then you are the first one they call when they need a builder
I know builders mocked me when I said I wanted to spend money and time sending with emails, hand written letters, and an occasional phone call when they may not need my services now. In real estate, the average family only stays in their home for 5 years or less. So if they just moved in and don't have construction needs....then I believe you still need a system to stay connected with them in you want to be the biggest and best in your field. In 4-5 years when they are ready to upgrade their home or remodel a kitchen...who are they more likely to call:
Option A - the other builder who wined and dined them with a fancy dinner but then quickly forgot about them once they said "not interested" ....OR..
Option B - the builder who stayed connected and who nurtured a relationship over the months and years ahead because they really cared about serving others. The answer is obvious.
It is hard to think mid and long-term when the "here and now" drives most of our emotion and behavior. Just don't underestimate the increasing reality that people will usually do business with who they know and/or trust. Be focused on serving others and helping your customers get what they want and you will ultimately get what you want. Isn't there a great Christian principle in there...Matthew 10:39? Lose yourself in the service of others and in that process you will find yourself and have more meaning and satisfaction in your life.
Before I wrap up, I must pay tribute to a wonderful person who came and spoke to our small NAHB group in Virginia Beach many years ago. Her name is Naoma Doriguzzi and she is fun, down to earth, and a brilliant strategist/expert with social media. I can't even remember if we paid her or if she was doing a favor for a builder colleague, Chuck. Regardless...she taught me the importance of connecting with customers as all industries were shifting towards relationship selling from traditional selling. Need evidence of this shift still?...we don't see a movie, go to a restaurant, or buy a TV without first informing 1000 of our Facebook friends of our intent to purchase and asking for recommendations.
So thank you to Naoma for sharing your wisdom 8 years ago. Now it is my turn to share some of mine for free too. LOL. But I share this post not to build my confidence or find a stay at home mom to be my next new recruit for my Mialisia Business. Instead, my intent was simply this...to help others be more efficient with their marketing and have a little more desire to build relationships and truly develop a love/concern for all...prospects, customers, or even those you never sell to. My hope with any of those three categories is that in the end...you treat others right, you always develop respect and trust, and you will build many wonderful relationships and friendships that can last a lifetime.
Make sure you subscribe to this blog so you don't miss out on helpful tips that can save you lots of time and money. The next training is titled "It Is More Important In Your Mialisia Business (and your life) to be effective, and not just efficient".