Empowering Women to Grow a Business #HookedOnMialisia
Grow your Mialisia business
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Mialisia: Mialisia Jewelry Launches in the US and Canada and...
Mialisia: Mialisia Jewelry Launches in the US and Canada and...: Mialisia Jewelry Launches in the US and Canada Breaking Records Who is Mialisia? Mialisia (pronounced Mee-ah-lee-see-ah) J...
Monday, May 19, 2014
Mentoring in Direct Sales
Mentoring an Upline and Downline
Who Deserves Your Mialisia Mentoring Time?
Heard a great quote over the weekend from the great Jim Rohn "Spend time with people who deserve your time rather than the people that need your time". Can sound a little uncaring at first, right? The principle behind it is just the opposite. A designer's personal care/interest in making the most of this opportunity will be evident by those who are putting in the consistent effort. As a leader, you must spend your time with those people who show their care first by doing their part. We often talk about the responsibilities of an upline to their downline, and these are real and vital. I wished we also talked about the responsibility of the downline to the upline mentors. Notice I didn't just say "upline". Your title or hierarchy level does not in and of itself make you a mentor or a leader. The focus of this post is regarding those that want to be mentored. Mentoring is a partnership and involves a two-way commitment to a process of improvement.
Think of it this way. You want to get stronger. You know going to the gym with a personal trainer can yeild the best results. The trainer is a pro, knows how to best develop muscles, knows how to really push you to lift weights that you didn't even know you could lift...getting you to achieve results you didn't know you could get . However, to enable this trainer to get the most of your workout you have to do your part. This involves getting your butt to the gym to show that you are ready to be trained. It shows discipline. It shows interest. It shows commitment. All necessary ingredients in order for that trainer to give you the best of his time and session. Telling her/him over the phone or on a Facebook PM may be a start but isn't enough.
In your direct sales business, you "earn" a Mialisia mentor's time by doing your part first. How:
1) You are plugged in to all the incredible training being offered. Most of the sales field questions were already answered or trained on. For example, if a new designer has questions about how to set up a fashion event, they better have already watched the two introduction videos . We don't want our trainers time to be spent saying the same things over and over. We want it to be by answering the questions you can't seem to find on your own after a faithful effort.
3) And finally, you must have a good attitude. The most repelling thing in life is not the smell of a run over skunk...it is the stench that comes from a negative or self-defeating attitude. A trainer may put up with you on the initial workout but she will never reschedule another session if the last session was all about whining about how far you had to drive to get to the gym, complaining about how much you sweat during workouts. I call all this Stinkin' Thinkin'
See the Jewelry on Pinterest
Mialisia Website
Want more training, here are four incredible videos taught by Arianne on Fashion Event Fundamentals
Mialisia Website
Want more training, here are four incredible videos taught by Arianne on Fashion Event Fundamentals
Friday, May 9, 2014
Your Role as a Direct Sales Sponsor
Your Role as a Direct Sales Sponsor
It is critical that each designer understands that they are 100% responsible for their own success and failures. "If it is meant to be, it is up to me". So if your sponsor got you in the business but is no where to be found...first, make sure you are looking in the right places. Next, go to their upline until you find someone willing to invest their time to train and coach you. Don't ever let the reason of why this didn't work out for you to be due to someone else not doing what they should have.
That being said, when a sponsor recruits a new rep into the business, they are essentially saying that they agree to be your coach to mentor and train you on the fundamentals of how to succeed. They have a sacred obligation to do their part as do you.
Whether you are full-time, part-time, or just have hobby-time of a few hours each month...the principles of planning and being effective still apply. I just want each of you to get the most out of your experience here. Since you are all independent business owners..you can do what you want. I am not your boss. Your sponsor is not your boss. We are your partners and will mentor you if you want the help. Please ask your sponsor for any help that you need or direction. They can't read your mind and you can't read theirs. Frustrations are greatly minimized and success is greatly maximized when we have open communication in all directions. This business often involves building a team from all part of the country and even world. So here are some tips from Party Plan Divas to help you be a better sponsor and leader
Long Distance Leadership and Coaching
Just because you may be miles apart does not mean you cannot still work with your team and build a sisterhood across the miles! Here is how you can increase your attendance on Conference Calls and Webinars -
- Schedule conference times in the time zone best suited for the highest number of people. Chances are a lot of the people you’re inviting will be scattered throughout all times zones, so find the highest concentration of folks, and set a time most convenient for them. If 90% of your invites are going out to those on the west coast, you won’t get a high turnout if the call is at 8AM eastern.
- Send an Agenda. Sending the call’s agenda in advance allows the participants to prepare for the specific points you’ll be covering. It also helps you to make sure that you’re not trying to cover more than you can squeeze into your call time. You can attach any relevant documents, presentations, or other visuals to this email as well; remember that it takes about three passes for information to sink in, so rather than ruining the suspense (or attendance) of the call, you’ll actually be improving your productivity.
- Plan ahead and send reminders. The longer you wait to send out invitations the more likely it will be that people will have other plans. Sending out invitations at least two weeks in advance makes it more likely that people will have the time to attend your conference call. Send them a reminder the morning of the conference in case they have forgotten.
- Make Your Conferences Interactive. Create PowerPoint presentations and share them with your participants. A little visual stimulation can go a long way.
- Follow Up. If you stuck to your agenda, the follow-up email should be pretty simple to create. This email is a chance to reiterate your key points and to address task assignments/actionable items. Additional documents and presentations can be sent along with the follow-up email. You might want to ask for feedback on the call as well – just a simple “What can be better next time?” can go a long way, especially if the calls will be frequent
Six Leadership Strategies for Long Distance Coaching
While many of the same practices that are effective with local teams can be applied to long distance teams, some important adaptations need to be made to address the unique challenges faced by teams working together virtually. Leaders facing these challenges should consider these strategies:
Keep all team members in close communication.
Creating a sense of team is a critical success factor for any team, but especially so where members can’t interact with each other directly. Regular communication among all team members is essential to bringing people together and fostering a sense of inclusion, while providing ongoing opportunities for input and influence. In some cases, there may be a core group at one site while other team members are located elsewhere, making it even more important to ensure off-site members don’t feel out of the loop.
Whether using teleconferencing, e-mails, Web meetings, videoconferencing, Facebook, YahooGroups, etc to stay in touch, team members need opportunities to participate, share ideas, and get to know each other regardless of where they are located. This regular contact helps build trust and confidence among team members, despite distance.
Create a collaborative mindset.
Adopt the “all of us is better than one of us” mindset and actively seek to use it in every situation possible within your team. A collaborative mindset brings together the best of competition and cooperation, fostering respect for all team members’ interests, talents, and expertise. It also allows for vigorous discussion of differences while encouraging a focus on mutual gains and shared goals.
Adapt coaching strategies for distance management.
Effective coaching is a challenge for most Leaders, but especially so when they lack the opportunity to observe their team members carrying out tasks and interacting on a regular basis. Nonetheless, coaching is as important, or more so, when the team is dispersed. Leaders of virtual teams need to set individual and group expectations, monitor the team’s progress, and give feedback, just as they would if everyone were sharing the same location.
Celebrate milestones and successes.
Feeling like a team means not just working together but being recognized for team members’ sacrifices and accomplishments. Leaders of virtual teams have a great opportunity to reward the team for high performance, reinforcing the collaborative mindset and the sense of being part of something larger than oneself. Remember – “Reward the group and the group will reward you.”
Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National (direct-to-corporate) http://HookedOnMia.com/contact
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Mialisia Jewelry is Breaking Records
#mialisia #jewelry #breakingrecords
Request more info at http://HookedOnMia.com/contact or call (844) 642-2329
Join Dave and Trish Nabrotzky, Executive National Designers (direct-to-corporate) and Team Diamond...Mialisia's #1 Team in North America as we revolutionize an industry and forever change the way women buy and wear jewelry!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Mialisia Drip Marketing - Plant Seeds, Nurture Leads
Mialisia Drip Marketing - Plant Seeds, Nurture Leads
Holy Macaroni, it works! Tonight I just finished designing a new landing page for my Mialisia business. I then took the link to copy and paste it to my social media channels like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Within minutes, I get a notification that someone visited my website via my iphone and iPad app. I can see that she (the prospect) went on my website, how long she was there, and what video drew her attention. Cool, right? Here is a total stranger...never met this woman. Yet I posted a simple URL and she saw it and went to my site. This is a great lead. I created desire with my direct sales tools to draw an interested prospect to me. Now I can spend my time working first with those who need my attention. This is what I call "Drip Marketing". Since it was late at night, I planned to call her in the morning. But she didn't even let me "sale or recruit" her then. She was so excited for this ground floor opportunity, that she clicked on my call-to-action item and enrolled right away on my team. Powerful experience from my customized powerful sales and marketing tool available for all the designers on my team, Team Diamond.
If you are new to direct sales, no sweat. This is not another complicated thing to learn that will overwhelm you and cause frustration as you start your business. Wouldn't you rather be equipped with knowledge, tools, and advice now that can steer you to have success sooner than later. More and more new things to learn can be frustrating. However, what is really frustrating is working your guts out and then have no new leads or prospects. You are excited with life changing products and opportunities but end up withering away in depression after you realize you have so much food on the table but no one wants to eat it.
I view success in a direct sales business like this...
Step #1 - Find a company, product, service, comp plan, etc that you can really sink your teeth into and have passion representing that brand
Step #2 - Learn a proven system. I don't have to reinvent the wheel. I see what other successful people have done and I do it.
Step #3 - Repeat step two over and over again
It's that simple? Well there are always some ups and downs...a learning curve...some required effort, patience to let the seed of opportunity that you just planted to have time to sprout, and so on. But what part of life at one point or another doesn't throw us a curve ball and make us get through some hard times? So back to why I am writing this post in the first place...to explain drip marketing. LOL.
I didn't invent Drip Marketing. I simply embraced it 8 years ago with my prior business where I built homes in Nashville, TN. We went from being nobody to being the #1 custom home builder within a few years. As social media was just being introduced, or shall I say, embraced more and more by businesses...I started to see where I could use social media even in the construction industry where people thought it was crazy that someone would go online to find a builder. After all, for one of the most important and biggest decisions to make (owning a home), wouldn't we just rely on a friend's recommendation vs interviewing potential builders online who we don't know from Adam?
So the key to Drip Marketing and Relationship Selling is this:
1) Understand your value and have a "servant's heart" wanting to help others enjoy the benefits from your product and service vs being the stereotypical sales guy who has an agenda, a self-centered desired outcome, and a mustache. Ok...I am not going to harp on those who voluntarily put hairy caterpillars on their lip. Besides, Gillette is not sponsoring this post so let's move on to the second bullet point
2) Spend time and have genuine concern to discover the needs of others and then find ways how you can help them get what they want. Remember, this isn't about you./ I know, I know...you have a job and need to support a family and have to focus on closing the sale. My point is that you will make more sales if you focus on helping others get what they want. Do that..in the end karma is your friends and your needs are met too.
3) Find ways to stay in front of the customer or prospect so that when a need arises in your line of work, now that you have a relationship of trust, .regardless if the sale happened or not...you then you are the first one they call when they need a builder
I know builders mocked me when I said I wanted to spend money and time sending with emails, hand written letters, and an occasional phone call when they may not need my services now. In real estate, the average family only stays in their home for 5 years or less. So if they just moved in and don't have construction needs....then I believe you still need a system to stay connected with them in you want to be the biggest and best in your field. In 4-5 years when they are ready to upgrade their home or remodel a kitchen...who are they more likely to call:
Option A - the other builder who wined and dined them with a fancy dinner but then quickly forgot about them once they said "not interested" ....OR..
Option B - the builder who stayed connected and who nurtured a relationship over the months and years ahead because they really cared about serving others. The answer is obvious.
It is hard to think mid and long-term when the "here and now" drives most of our emotion and behavior. Just don't underestimate the increasing reality that people will usually do business with who they know and/or trust. Be focused on serving others and helping your customers get what they want and you will ultimately get what you want. Isn't there a great Christian principle in there...Matthew 10:39? Lose yourself in the service of others and in that process you will find yourself and have more meaning and satisfaction in your life.
Before I wrap up, I must pay tribute to a wonderful person who came and spoke to our small NAHB group in Virginia Beach many years ago. Her name is Naoma Doriguzzi and she is fun, down to earth, and a brilliant strategist/expert with social media. I can't even remember if we paid her or if she was doing a favor for a builder colleague, Chuck. Regardless...she taught me the importance of connecting with customers as all industries were shifting towards relationship selling from traditional selling. Need evidence of this shift still?...we don't see a movie, go to a restaurant, or buy a TV without first informing 1000 of our Facebook friends of our intent to purchase and asking for recommendations.
So thank you to Naoma for sharing your wisdom 8 years ago. Now it is my turn to share some of mine for free too. LOL. But I share this post not to build my confidence or find a stay at home mom to be my next new recruit for my Mialisia Business. Instead, my intent was simply this...to help others be more efficient with their marketing and have a little more desire to build relationships and truly develop a love/concern for all...prospects, customers, or even those you never sell to. My hope with any of those three categories is that in the end...you treat others right, you always develop respect and trust, and you will build many wonderful relationships and friendships that can last a lifetime.
Make sure you subscribe to this blog so you don't miss out on helpful tips that can save you lots of time and money. The next training is titled "It Is More Important In Your Mialisia Business (and your life) to be effective, and not just efficient".
Thursday, March 27, 2014
I Started A Mialisia Business...NOW WHAT?
I Started My Mialisia Business...
So there you are...excited that you just are starting a business of your own. But in a beginning you may not have experience in the industry or even have the jewelry to showcase yet. So how in the world do you build a team and get "your store" ready to open the doors at your grand opening?
Key areas (personally) to focus on as you start a business:
- Remember why you are doing this. What benefits did you see in Mialisia and how it can/will change your life for the better? What will be your purpose and passion here and how will you make a difference for your family and others?
- Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people who believe in you and support your worthwhile pursuits.
- Become a "student of the business" - Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. So practice the right things. Skills and knowledge can be developed. Practice your 30 second commercial. Practice overcoming the most common objections...I have no time...or...I have no money...or...I don't have business experience so I could never do that. If you don't know how to respond then simply ask your sponsor, upline, or mentor.
- Plug into existing and proven systems, people, and trainings. Do not reinvent the wheel. Stick to the basics. Others have walked the same path as you so learn from them, young grasshopper. Smart people learn from their mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others. You will avoid many pitfalls if you are humble and teachable.
- Be proud of yourself. After all, that you had courage to do this! That says alot about you. Each person only has no much energy each day. Don't waste it entertaining negative thoughts, worry, and doubt. Believe in yourself. Look past who you are today and realize who you can become. Our mantra, enhancing your inner beauty, has nothing to do with jewelry, but has everything to do with you understanding more each day...your greatness, self-worth, and God-given value. That is what beauty is all about.

-What should be the focus as you start your business and what do you say to prospects to create a desire in them to seize this opportunity?
First, uncover the needs of others and suggest ways that you can help them reach their goals with what your business can offer.Second, focus on giving as much exposure as possible to your friends and acquaintances about the Mialisia story, concept, and mantra. You don't necessarily have to have jewelry in your hands to do that. I personally hired over 30 in our pre-launch (and over 250 as a team) just focusing on the revolutionary hook concept, the experience of a stay-at-home-mom who sold $1million out of her basement, and then the opportunity she created to empower and inspire other women. Heck, I am a guy...I don't wear jewelry nor did I ever get excited about it. But I got excited seeing other women get excited. I sensed an amazing business opportunity to join at the ground floor of an explosive company with a proven concept that I walked away from a $250K/yr income. On top of that, men make up less than 1% in the direct sales/home party plan industry. Though it was a little tough to leave a "safe" job, I knew my risk was so little here. I didn't have to invest hardly anything to get started. I would be in business for myself but not by myself. So if I can do this...so can you!
Third, I expressed excitement and confidence in how fortunate they are to hear about the opportunity of a lifetime. I believe we all want be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We all want to be on the wining team. People want to feel of your excitement and know that you are driven, have vision, and that this opportunty can take them to the promised land.
That's all you need to do and say. Really! But for those detail fanatics (like me) that still want more info...just share what it takes for any business to be successful, and how Mialisia scores an A+
The 5 key ingredients for a company to survive and thrive are that it must....
1) Have products and services that are needed in the marketplace and in high demand
Is jewelry in high demand? It happens to the be the #1 most purchased gift in the world and almost every woman wears it, wants it, and loves it. Consumers today want more and more for less and less. There is no other jewelry out there that even competes with the options and value Mialisia VersaStyle Jewelry offers. With others, you could easily spend $300+ just to buy a bracelet, a choker, and layered necklace, a chain lanyard, a belt, and some cute boot jewelry. However. with VersaStyle jewelry, a necklace isn't just a necklace. It is all these in one piece. And oh, by the way, 90% of our line is between $20-$50 and comes with a lifetime warranty. Frankly speaking, due to our unique and patent-pending concept-we have no competition. We are so confident in our products that we allow our designers to still work and sell products from other companies too. The focus is not to restrict our designers with non-compete handcuffs, but rather our focus is to empower women with products and an opportunity that could change their life for the better.With our Founder selling a million dollars out of her basement over 2 1/2 years, 17 factories now making our jewelry, and our company selling millions already in our first few months of business in the US, It is fair to say that we have "proof of concept" and women love and demand our product!
2) Have a compensation plan/reward system that attracts people and retains them
Our competitors are at 25%, 30%, and 30%. We start at 35% plus offer another 35% to the field leadership in upline commissions. We offer a $500 monthly car bonus. We put more money in your pocket with "dynamic compression" which allows the field to maximize downline commissions otherwise lost due to inactive reps. Many DS companies pay up to three generations (levels), but with Mialisia you can earn overrides on unlimited width and depth here with an "infinity pool".
3) Have a culture that strengthens and enriches the lives of it's employees
The comment we hear over and over again from those who have been in direct sales for many years is that they are amazed at the culture we are creating. We help each other even across team lines and there is a feeling they get here that we really are like a family. They tell us they have never experienced anything like.. We have fun. We recognize, reward, and strive to inspire our designers to achieve great things, build self-esteem, and be blessed to build lasting friendships with people all over the world. At Mialisia you really will feel like you are in a place where you belong, where you are needed, and where you are appreciated.
4) Have the right timing
Timing is everything in business and our timing is perfect. We are the first to the market with this patent-pending concept. The average woman has over $8500 in debt, 97% of families live paycheck to paycheck and need a way to provide (or at least supplement) their income. Your timing is perfect as you are here now. Women who join this company 5, 10, 20 years from now will say how they wished they were introduced to Mialisia those first years.
It is a proven fact that most company millionaires became such because of their involvement with something near the very beginning. Imagine if you worked for Microsoft when they launched in 1975? Perhaps they were not a powerhouse then but they were positioned to revolutionize an industry. In the 11th year, Microsoft goes public and with subsequent rise in its share price in a short period of time...they created three billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires. So being in the right place, at the right time, with the right company truly can be life changing. Mialisia is a Microsoft-in-the-making! Be patient, give yourself time, and it will pay off big!
Without vision and trust..the people perish. Many businesses fail not because of their products or their sales force, but rather due to corporate mismanagement making costly mistakes and not being prepared for the competitive market or the unexpected. Our leadership team has over 100 years of experience and have led two companies to over $500 million in annual revenue within the first 5 years and two others to over $1 billion (with a "B") in annual revenue. They know direct sales and they know how to successfully launch and take a company global. They also know how to reward those who are willing to go in the trenches side by side with them in that journey.
Listen to our President share the importance of integrity at the head of a company. Then Founder and CEO, Annelise Brown, shares the real story of Mialisia with pictures, stories, and heart felt testimony
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Mialisia updates for Canada
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Mialisia Success Start Program
We are so excited to introduce our new Mialisia Success Start Program!
This simple program teaches Designers exactly what they need to do to start an exciting business and drive continual growth. The program consists of fun challenges that give you a chance to earn awards while helping you develop the habits necessary in building a successful business.
Designers who heavily integrate the Mialisia Success Start into their everyday business practices will undoubtedly find infinite success. It is important that every Designer understands and utilizes this program. We have created a short, simple video that takes you through the Success Start, step-by-step. Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LkIp30bvEc&feature=youtu.be
The first step in this program is the Mialisia “Smart Start” challenge, given to all new Designers. Existing Designers have the opportunity to earn a “Smart Start” charm through the end of February, or a “Super Start” charm through Feb 15th. All activity from January 23 on will count toward these charms. From there, you can earn as many “Monthly” and “Quarterly” charms as you want! Your first charm will come with the “Infinite Success VersaStyle Piece,” which you can use to show off what an incredible Designer you are by attaching all of your hard-earned charms.
The key to sustainable success in this industry is duplicating individual success with your team. Be sure to help new Designers achieve their “Smart Start” charm by training them on the program and supporting them in tracking their progress. The on-going challenges make great team goals, so take advantage of this program to help your team rise to the top!
If you have further questions about this program, feel free to contact your upline or our Designer Support at 1-877-831-7111 or support@mialisia.com.
We are confident that the Mialisia Success Start program will help you on your journey to success with your business. We hope to see tons of charms at upcoming events!
#Mialisia #Training
Friday, December 20, 2013
Mialisia Team Diamond Training on Team Building (Full Series)
Part 1 Holiday Team Building Overview
Part 2 How to Share Opportunity at a Fashion Event (Group Share)
Part 3 One on One Share
Part 4 Team Building Follow Up
Friday, November 15, 2013
Mialisia Fundraising Ideas
Mialisia "Party with a Purpose" 2014 Fundraising Campaign Ideas
Here are some ideas of doing a quarterly fundraising campaign as a team. Please share your ideas under the comment section. If you are not a Mialisia designer....that's ok...I still would absolutely love to hear from you and your experience with charity work and any suggestions you have to make this a wonderful experience for all.

Dave Nabrotzky, Executive National Designer MialisiaJewelry@gmail.com 615.478.1536
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Be a Star in the Shower as well as on the Stage of Life
If I Could Be a Star
by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer
One of my favorite Mialisia memories was “making” our
incredible Founder and CEO sing a song on the spot with no notice at our
Nashville Boot Camp a few months back. She reluctantly agreed as long as I promised not to
record it and post it all over the internet. So I honored that and didn't record…but
that doesn't mean that I still cant tell the story all over the internet,
right? (wink)
Let me set the stage…
About 15 years ago, I went to a show called "NunSense" and Annelise sang this and it was absolutely incredible. Most don't know she graduated in Music, Dance, Theater and is overflowing with talent in these areas.
Anyways...I cant find any actual footage of Annelise singing this song but I will play a snippet from the play and you can all imagine Annelise belting the words out with passion! The play shares some humorous thoughts that nuns have but cant say out loud. What I love about this part/song is the message that deep within all of us...we want to be a hero or a star. We have big dreams. But we often allow life and our fears and insecurities to bottle us up in our comfort zones.
May each of you strive to recognize that we are the ones that control our limitations and expectations. So stop filling your mind with all the "nunsense" and decide today, right now, that you will follow your dreams and make something even more out of your life. You can do it! Take the stage and give it a try. Don't let life pass by leaving the song of your heart to be unsung! Stop worrying about how you will look if you stumble. Don't worry about not being perfect! Just stand up and sing! You may doubt the decision each step along the way from your chair to being on the stage...but once you are there...and you leave your inhibitions behind...and sing with the confidence you do when you are in the shower alone and think no one else can hear you...then you will hear music that you never knew you even had inside of you. You see in the shower...you are comfortable...no one to mock you. Besides....I can't hold a single note but even I sound good singing in the shower. Enjoy!
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Secret To Recruiting and Starting a Revolution
by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer
An unwritten goal is merely a wish
- I encourage you to set goals for each month and then hold yourself accountable to a sponsor, friend, spouse, fellow designer, etc
- If you really want to get serious about making a life changing experience with Mialisia, then ask a mentor to help hold you accountable.
- Know how much you want to make and how many new designers you want to have by Nov 30 and then by Dec 31st and then work backwards to see what you have to do to achieve this.
- Once you figure that out....determine how bad you want it and if you are willing to pay the price with effort and excitement!
If you want greater success and happiness in your business and even personal/family life....I promise that if you will set goals, align yourself with a mentor (someone that can help you be accountable and be a cheerleader and coach), and then do YOUR part....all areas of your life will find more happiness and peace to your heart. You can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.
Success is a duplicable skill...regardless of even talent, looks, experience. I went undefeated in school in soccer and tennis and won MVPs not because I was the most talented. I humbly admit that. I just worked harder and wanted to grow and win more than anyone else and it always paid dividends in my life. I became the #1 sales rep in states, regions, and across the US in many multi-million dollar business ventures for the same reason....the fire in my belly and drive in my heart got me out of bed each morning ready to light myself on fire with enthusiasm and people would then sign up in the thousands to come and watch me burn baby : ) If you are not seeing the success you want YET...fake it til you make it...envision it happening and live like it already has.
"Fires can't be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men [and women]. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks" James A. Baldwin
"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved" Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mialisia Team Diamond Executive National Designer, Dave Nabrotzky, http://HookedOn.Mialisia.com
Stop-it...Dam-it": Phrases that Stop Your Growth
"Stop-it...Dam-it": Phrases that Stop Your Growth and Success
We have all heard it a million times... "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me"? I couldn't disagree more!! As a Christian pastor I have the opportunity to do 10+ hours a week of marriage counseling. Many sessions are working through forgiveness and healing for words used yesterday (and sometimes even words used 20 years ago that had a negative impact yet was never addressed). So often in mentoring I hear people utter phrases that on the surface seem harmless but, in reality are devastating. There is no voice more powerful than your own.
In fact, a study found that it took seven positive comments from others to negate ONE negative thing we told ourselves.
Many years ago I learned that CAN'T was an acronym. It means-Certainly Am Not Trying. "I
Can't" feeds the fear. It gives into the fear. It let's fear
triumph without even trying. We can do anything we put our mind's
to. You could run a marathon, you could climb a mountain, you
can loose weight and you CAN build a business. The tougher the tasks
the longer it takes. CAN'T is your fear talking. Tell it to sit down and shut up. Replace it
with: I WILL!
No you don't. You CHOOSE to. Perhaps you "choose" to based on what other people will think, say or do.. but you choose to. So if that is the case, own the choice. If you don't like the choice, change the choice. Let others think, do or say what they will. Replace with: I choose to do this because.
“shoulding” all over yourself! "Should" is self-castigating.
"Should" implies that you fell short or were wrong in some way.
"Should" is filled with regret.
Replace this with: Next time I will... or maybe just let yourself do what
you want. Cut yourself some slack.
This is one of the most damaging phrases in the English language. To quote Yoda, “Do or Do Not... there is no try”. "Try" opens the door for failure.
Replace this with: “No matter what”. No matter what says "I know I can and I will keep at it until I get there".
I hear this so often and it makes me gasp for air. Would you ever let someone
talk to you that way? Absolutely not! You are not stupid! You
are learning, evolving and growing.
is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it
will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Albert Einstein
These phrases rob us of our power and make us helpless victims. Take your power back. Choose your
words carefully as they build who you are. Own your words,
deeds and actions… for they are yours alone.
Write your affirmation statement. This is perhaps the most influential document I own and it shapes my daily belief, my daily actions, and is the blueprint towards becoming the person I want to be. Stay tuned for the next post of how to write your affirmation statement. Subscribe to http://HookedOnMialisia.blogspot.com
http://HookedOn.Mialisia.com Mialisia Team Diamond Executive National, Dave Nabrotzky MialisiaJewelry@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Get 20/20 Mia Vision...video #3 of Mialisia 2013 Leadership Conference
Brought to you by Dave and Trish Nabrotzky - Mialisia Team Diamond
For more information, contact MialisiaJewelry@gmail.com or call 615.478.1536 (Dave)
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
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