I Started My Mialisia Business...
So there you are...excited that you just are starting a business of your own. But in a beginning you may not have experience in the industry or even have the jewelry to showcase yet. So how in the world do you build a team and get "your store" ready to open the doors at your grand opening?
Key areas (personally) to focus on as you start a business:
- Remember why you are doing this. What benefits did you see in Mialisia and how it can/will change your life for the better? What will be your purpose and passion here and how will you make a difference for your family and others?
- Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people who believe in you and support your worthwhile pursuits.
- Become a "student of the business" - Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. So practice the right things. Skills and knowledge can be developed. Practice your 30 second commercial. Practice overcoming the most common objections...I have no time...or...I have no money...or...I don't have business experience so I could never do that. If you don't know how to respond then simply ask your sponsor, upline, or mentor.
- Plug into existing and proven systems, people, and trainings. Do not reinvent the wheel. Stick to the basics. Others have walked the same path as you so learn from them, young grasshopper. Smart people learn from their mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others. You will avoid many pitfalls if you are humble and teachable.
- Be proud of yourself. After all, that you had courage to do this! That says alot about you. Each person only has no much energy each day. Don't waste it entertaining negative thoughts, worry, and doubt. Believe in yourself. Look past who you are today and realize who you can become. Our mantra, enhancing your inner beauty, has nothing to do with jewelry, but has everything to do with you understanding more each day...your greatness, self-worth, and God-given value. That is what beauty is all about.

-What should be the focus as you start your business and what do you say to prospects to create a desire in them to seize this opportunity?
First, uncover the needs of others and suggest ways that you can help them reach their goals with what your business can offer.Second, focus on giving as much exposure as possible to your friends and acquaintances about the Mialisia story, concept, and mantra. You don't necessarily have to have jewelry in your hands to do that. I personally hired over 30 in our pre-launch (and over 250 as a team) just focusing on the revolutionary hook concept, the experience of a stay-at-home-mom who sold $1million out of her basement, and then the opportunity she created to empower and inspire other women. Heck, I am a guy...I don't wear jewelry nor did I ever get excited about it. But I got excited seeing other women get excited. I sensed an amazing business opportunity to join at the ground floor of an explosive company with a proven concept that I walked away from a $250K/yr income. On top of that, men make up less than 1% in the direct sales/home party plan industry. Though it was a little tough to leave a "safe" job, I knew my risk was so little here. I didn't have to invest hardly anything to get started. I would be in business for myself but not by myself. So if I can do this...so can you!
Third, I expressed excitement and confidence in how fortunate they are to hear about the opportunity of a lifetime. I believe we all want be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We all want to be on the wining team. People want to feel of your excitement and know that you are driven, have vision, and that this opportunty can take them to the promised land.
That's all you need to do and say. Really! But for those detail fanatics (like me) that still want more info...just share what it takes for any business to be successful, and how Mialisia scores an A+
The 5 key ingredients for a company to survive and thrive are that it must....
1) Have products and services that are needed in the marketplace and in high demand
Is jewelry in high demand? It happens to the be the #1 most purchased gift in the world and almost every woman wears it, wants it, and loves it. Consumers today want more and more for less and less. There is no other jewelry out there that even competes with the options and value Mialisia VersaStyle Jewelry offers. With others, you could easily spend $300+ just to buy a bracelet, a choker, and layered necklace, a chain lanyard, a belt, and some cute boot jewelry. However. with VersaStyle jewelry, a necklace isn't just a necklace. It is all these in one piece. And oh, by the way, 90% of our line is between $20-$50 and comes with a lifetime warranty. Frankly speaking, due to our unique and patent-pending concept-we have no competition. We are so confident in our products that we allow our designers to still work and sell products from other companies too. The focus is not to restrict our designers with non-compete handcuffs, but rather our focus is to empower women with products and an opportunity that could change their life for the better.With our Founder selling a million dollars out of her basement over 2 1/2 years, 17 factories now making our jewelry, and our company selling millions already in our first few months of business in the US, It is fair to say that we have "proof of concept" and women love and demand our product!
2) Have a compensation plan/reward system that attracts people and retains them
Our competitors are at 25%, 30%, and 30%. We start at 35% plus offer another 35% to the field leadership in upline commissions. We offer a $500 monthly car bonus. We put more money in your pocket with "dynamic compression" which allows the field to maximize downline commissions otherwise lost due to inactive reps. Many DS companies pay up to three generations (levels), but with Mialisia you can earn overrides on unlimited width and depth here with an "infinity pool".
3) Have a culture that strengthens and enriches the lives of it's employees
The comment we hear over and over again from those who have been in direct sales for many years is that they are amazed at the culture we are creating. We help each other even across team lines and there is a feeling they get here that we really are like a family. They tell us they have never experienced anything like.. We have fun. We recognize, reward, and strive to inspire our designers to achieve great things, build self-esteem, and be blessed to build lasting friendships with people all over the world. At Mialisia you really will feel like you are in a place where you belong, where you are needed, and where you are appreciated.
4) Have the right timing
Timing is everything in business and our timing is perfect. We are the first to the market with this patent-pending concept. The average woman has over $8500 in debt, 97% of families live paycheck to paycheck and need a way to provide (or at least supplement) their income. Your timing is perfect as you are here now. Women who join this company 5, 10, 20 years from now will say how they wished they were introduced to Mialisia those first years.
It is a proven fact that most company millionaires became such because of their involvement with something near the very beginning. Imagine if you worked for Microsoft when they launched in 1975? Perhaps they were not a powerhouse then but they were positioned to revolutionize an industry. In the 11th year, Microsoft goes public and with subsequent rise in its share price in a short period of time...they created three billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires. So being in the right place, at the right time, with the right company truly can be life changing. Mialisia is a Microsoft-in-the-making! Be patient, give yourself time, and it will pay off big!
Without vision and trust..the people perish. Many businesses fail not because of their products or their sales force, but rather due to corporate mismanagement making costly mistakes and not being prepared for the competitive market or the unexpected. Our leadership team has over 100 years of experience and have led two companies to over $500 million in annual revenue within the first 5 years and two others to over $1 billion (with a "B") in annual revenue. They know direct sales and they know how to successfully launch and take a company global. They also know how to reward those who are willing to go in the trenches side by side with them in that journey.
Listen to our President share the importance of integrity at the head of a company. Then Founder and CEO, Annelise Brown, shares the real story of Mialisia with pictures, stories, and heart felt testimony
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