Friday, November 15, 2013

Mialisia Fundraising Ideas

Mialisia "Party with a Purpose" 2014 Fundraising Campaign Ideas

Here are some ideas of doing a quarterly fundraising campaign as a team. Please share your ideas under the comment section. If you are not a Mialisia designer....that's ok...I still would absolutely love to hear from you and your experience with charity work and any suggestions you have to make this a wonderful experience for all. 

Dave Nabrotzky, Executive National Designer 615.478.1536

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Be a Star in the Shower as well as on the Stage of Life

If I Could Be a Star
by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer

One of my favorite Mialisia memories was “making” our incredible Founder and CEO sing a song on the spot with no notice at our Nashville Boot Camp a few months back. She reluctantly agreed as long as I promised not to record it and post it all over the internet. So I honored that and didn't record…but that doesn't mean that I still cant tell the story all over the internet, right? (wink)

Let me set the stage…

About 15 years ago, I went to a show called "NunSense" and Annelise sang this and it was absolutely incredible. Most don't know she graduated in Music, Dance, Theater and is overflowing with talent in these areas. 

Anyways...I cant find any actual footage of Annelise singing this song but I will play a snippet from the play and you can all imagine Annelise belting the words out with passion! The play shares some humorous thoughts that nuns have but cant say out loud. What I love about this part/song is the message that deep within all of us...we want to be a hero or a star. We have big dreams. But we often allow life and our fears and insecurities to bottle us up in our comfort zones. 

May each of you strive to recognize that we are the ones that control our limitations and expectations. So stop filling your mind with all the "nunsense" and decide today, right now, that you will follow your dreams and make something even more out of your life. You can do it! Take the stage and give it a try. Don't let life pass by leaving the song of your heart to be unsung! Stop worrying about how you will look if you stumble. Don't worry about not being perfect! Just stand up and sing! You may doubt the decision each step along the way from your chair to being on the stage...but once you are there...and you leave your inhibitions behind...and sing with the confidence you do when you are in the shower alone and think no one else can hear you...then you will hear music that you never knew you even had inside of you. You see in the are one to mock you. Besides....I can't hold a single note but even I sound good singing in the shower. Enjoy!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Secret To Recruiting and Starting a Revolution


by Dave Nabrotzky, Mialisia Executive National Designer

How did your October go? Did you hit your goal or come close? Did you set a goal? What did you do well that can be defined as an "IPA" or Income Producing Activity and where did you get distracted? Don't beat yourself up. Learn from it and make November that much better!

An unwritten goal is merely a wish

  1. I encourage you to set goals for each month and then hold yourself accountable to a sponsor, friend, spouse, fellow designer, etc
  2. If you really want to get serious about making a life changing experience with Mialisia, then ask a mentor to help hold you accountable. 
  3. Know how much you want to make and how many new designers you want to have by Nov 30 and then by Dec 31st and then work backwards to see what you have to do to achieve this. 
  4. Once you figure that out....determine how bad you want it and if you are willing to pay the price with effort and excitement! 

If you want greater success and happiness in your business and even personal/family life....I promise that if you will set goals, align yourself with a mentor (someone that can help you be accountable and be a cheerleader and coach), and then do YOUR part....all areas of your life will find more happiness and peace to your heart. You can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. 

Success is a duplicable skill...regardless of even talent, looks, experience. I went undefeated in school in soccer and tennis and won MVPs not because I was the most talented. I humbly admit that. I just worked harder and wanted to grow and win more than anyone else and it always paid dividends in my life. I became the #1 sales rep in states, regions, and across the US in many multi-million dollar business ventures for the same reason....the fire in my belly and drive in my heart got me out of bed each morning ready to light myself on fire with enthusiasm and people would then sign up in the thousands to come and watch me burn baby : ) If you are not seeing the success you want YET...fake it til you make it...envision it happening and live like it already has.

"Fires can't be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men [and women]. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks" James A. Baldwin 

"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved" Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Mialisia Team Diamond Executive National Designer, Dave Nabrotzky,

Stop-it...Dam-it": Phrases that Stop Your Growth

"Stop-it...Dam-it": Phrases that Stop Your Growth and Success

We have all heard it a million times... "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me"? I couldn't disagree more!! As a Christian pastor I have the opportunity to do 10+ hours a week of marriage counseling. Many sessions are working through forgiveness and healing for words used yesterday (and sometimes even words used 20 years ago that had a negative impact yet was never addressed).   So often in mentoring I hear people utter phrases that on the surface seem harmless but, in reality are devastating.  There is no voice more powerful than your own.  

In fact, a study found that it took seven positive comments from others to negate ONE negative thing we told ourselves. 

Many years ago I learned that CAN'T was an acronym.  It means-Certainly Am Not Trying.  "I Can't" feeds the fear.  It gives into the fear.  It let's fear triumph without even trying.   We can do anything we put our mind's to. You could run a marathon, you could climb a mountain, you can loose weight and you CAN build a business.  The tougher the tasks the longer it takes.  CAN'T is your fear talking.  Tell it to sit down and shut up. Replace it with:  I WILL!

No you don't.  You CHOOSE to.  Perhaps you "choose" to based on what other people will think, say or do.. but you choose to.  So if that is the case, own the choice.  If you don't like the choice, change the choice.  Let others think, do or say what they will.    Replace with:  I choose to do this because.

Quit “shoulding” all over yourself!  "Should" is self-castigating.  "Should" implies that you fell short or were wrong in some way.  "Should" is filled with regret. 
Replace this with:  Next time I will... or maybe just let yourself do what you want.  Cut yourself some slack.

This is one of the most damaging phrases in the English language.  To quote Yoda, “Do or Do Not... there is no try”.  "Try" opens the door for failure. 
Replace this with: “No matter what”.   No matter what says "I know I can and I will keep at it until I get there".   
I hear this so often and it makes me gasp for air.  Would you ever let someone talk to you that way?  Absolutely not!  You are not stupid!  You are learning, evolving and growing.

"Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Albert Einstein

These phrases rob us of our power and make us helpless victims.  Take your power back.  Choose your words carefully as they build who you are.  Own your words, deeds and actions… for they are yours alone.

Write your affirmation statement. This is perhaps the most influential document I own and it shapes my daily belief, my daily actions, and is the blueprint towards becoming the person I want to be. Stay tuned for the next post of how to write your affirmation statement. Subscribe to Mialisia Team Diamond Executive National, Dave Nabrotzky